Diseases Jammers
Monday, September 22, 2014
Acne Treatment That Works

Some of us are really lucky as we do not have to fight with acne. As we enter puberty acne apparently appear around our bodies and thankfully, for most us, they should heal on its own in the matter of time.

Still, you'll find scenarios when acne is constantly make us feel bad to the extent that we are desperate to look for the right acne treatment.

Acne can suddenly appear during any duration of our lives. It can hit anywhere of our own skin, however back and face parts would be the most popular. Acne can vary from mild forms around painful cysts.

Blue light therapy is utilized to get rid of the P. acnes bacteria that propagates within the skin by feeding on sebum which further causes inflammation. Indeed, acne develops as a result of blockages in follicles, sebum production increases and accumulates, clogging the oil glands.

Most people expect great results by treating acne with creams. This will never happen. There is absolutely no cream in the market which will remove your acne inside of a week. If you are faced with one creation that claims to be able to make this happen in three days then you are before a scam. Always research the acne creams prior to being thinking about buying them.

Pregnant women should be wary about acne treatment products. Only use safe over-the-counter acne treatment during pregnancy. Ask your doctor about it first.
Another unspoken remedy is to use sunlight. I bet you have never heard it before. Sunlight may help reduce acne with the antibacterial results of the ultraviolet spectrum. Yes you may have got word of the destructive connection between UV rays that is why treatment should basically be carried out in a fixed time for you to prevent skin damage.

One reason why you have acne is because your pores get blocked due to dust and dirt. This is where one can possibly take assistance of steaming away your acne. Steaming your acne helps remove dirt and oil by opening the blocked pores. Once the pores are open, oil production is reduced and elimination of impurities is facilitated.

So there are few effective ways to treat acne without seeing a doctor. Try them first. If it doesn't work then your acne could be severe which require prescriptions.

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Thursday, August 7, 2014
Can Fermented Foods Reduce Yeast Development

If you've not known this, then you should. Many fermented foods that you feed on are excellent sources of lactic acid bacteria. Your body needs lactic acid produced by these bacteria to keep the development of Candida manageable.

Where Can You Find Candida?

Unlike the misinformation which advises against consuming fermented foods during the flare ups, fermented foods are one of the best ways to control the Candida growth. To prevent systemic Candida, fermented foods can keep the yeast in check as they contain lactic acid bacteria.

Candida can survive on your skin, in your vagina, mouth, and intestinal tract. Candida is also responsible for thrush in your mouth and vaginal yeast infections.

When Candida attacks other part of the body instead of its native environment, the condition is known as a systemic Candidiasis.

Studies have revealed that Candida tends to concentrate in the brain, heart, and kidney. This means systemic Candida can target anywhere in your body. You can test Candida overgrowth using a stool test. But it can only detect its presence in the intestinal tract. You will not know if the yeast has grown aggressively elsewhere.

At What Stage Yeast Overgrowth Can Be A Concern?

It is not longer a mystery that antibiotic use can predispose the human body to systemic Candida overgrowth. It is easily understood that antibiotics kill all bacteria—including the good guys, which ensure the number of Candida remain small.

You see, Candida is opportunistic. It'll grab any chance it gets to infect other tissues.

Besides antibiotic use, estrogen, the female hormones can contribute to the multiplication of the yeast microorganism. This is why women with a history of oral contraceptive use are more susceptible to yeast infections. When you are expecting, you also see an increase in the hormone estrogen, increasing the risk of Candida overgrowth and vaginal yeast infection. Increased levels of estrogen in the body can be caused by diabetes and obesity.

Consumption Of Fermented Foods During The Bout of A Candida Infection

Fermented foods supply fuel to the yeast to proliferate. This can lead to Candida overabundance.

It is a huge mistake to lump wild fermentation together with cultured foods. Wild strains of yeast are found in fermented foods. If you are struggling with Candida overgrowth, your immune system has to work very hard to deal with the wild strains of yeasts. Because of the yeast activity, the fermented foods tend to be slightly alcoholic. Thus, fermented foods can make Candida overgrowth worse.

To avoid the nourishment of Candida by the wild strains of yeast, add a starter culture into the fermented foods. In the starter culture, you will find specific strains of helpful yeast and bacteria that prevent the number of unfriendly and wild microorganism from increasing unnaturally. Research shows that the good bacteria in these foods can stop Candida from growing too fast. They work anywhere in your body.

Many foods such as pasta, grains, potatoes, breads, and beans spell disaster for you who are dealing with vaginal yeast infections. You should avoid them entirely until Candida is under control.

Dramatically magnify the odds of eliminating vaginal thrush. My goal is to unveil a secret product that many sufferers have used to live normally. See what the review says about homeopathic candida vaginitis relief for men and women like Yeastrol can work for you.

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Saturday, November 2, 2013
How To Reduce Fever Blisters Naturally

Besides feeling humiliating, it is painful when you have oral herpes especially in the lip area. One of the viruses that can result in herpes labialis is HSV-1. The virus will continuously remain in your body. Usually, cold sore sufferers tend to face a weakened immune system when they are sick.

Natural cures for herpes simplex virus 1 like lysine can benefit you by cutting down the suffering time. Your food and supplements are the only way your body can receive lysine as it cannot be synthesized by the body. It is believed that it can stop the virus from spreading. Arginine can affect the absorption of lysine by the body. To increase the absorption of lysine, you must eat too much arginine rich food.

According to recent research, indole-3-carbinol had the ability to inhibit the herpes simplex virus. It is usually found in broccoli, cabbage and brussels sprout.

Without any treatment, herpes labialis should disappear within 2 weeks. However, don't you want to feel more comfortable when you have? Don't miss out these simple natural remedies for cold sores which you can do at home and these may be some of the best methods on how to cure cold sores without expensive drugs. Apply some lip balm with sun protection for comfort. Protect the cold sore area with petroleum jelly to speed up the healing process.

Aloe vera or propolis is effective as quick cold sore cure. They have antiviral properties which help the fast healing of the blister.

I don't think medication is the best cold sore cure. If you see a doctor, most likely Zovirax will be prescribed. It can speed up healing and can reduce the discomfort. However, you can't run away from another outbreak.

Oral herpes usually happen when you're run down. This means you must have a strong immune system to ward off this disease. So, keep your immune system as healthy as possible. People have enjoyed improved immune system when they take herbs such as echinacea and goldenseal.

I always avoid medications. Today, some topical solutions can help getting rid of fever blisters. Here you can learn how I cure my cold sore. Using topical solution has reduced the duration of the outbreak and prevented the future flare-ups.

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