Saturday, November 2, 2013
How To Reduce Fever Blisters Naturally
4:02 AM
Besides feeling humiliating, it is painful when you have oral herpes especially in the lip area. One of the viruses that can result in herpes labialis is HSV-1. The virus will continuously remain in your body. Usually, cold sore sufferers tend to face a weakened immune system when they are sick. Natural cures for herpes simplex virus 1 like lysine can benefit you by cutting down the suffering time. Your food and supplements are the only way your body can receive lysine as it cannot be synthesized by the body. It is believed that it can stop the virus from spreading. Arginine can affect the absorption of lysine by the body. To increase the absorption of lysine, you must eat too much arginine rich food. According to recent research, indole-3-carbinol had the ability to inhibit the herpes simplex virus. It is usually found in broccoli, cabbage and brussels sprout. Without any treatment, herpes labialis should disappear within 2 weeks. However, don't you want to feel more comfortable when you have? Don't miss out these simple natural remedies for cold sores which you can do at home and these may be some of the best methods on how to cure cold sores without expensive drugs. Apply some lip balm with sun protection for comfort. Protect the cold sore area with petroleum jelly to speed up the healing process. Aloe vera or propolis is effective as quick cold sore cure. They have antiviral properties which help the fast healing of the blister. I don't think medication is the best cold sore cure. If you see a doctor, most likely Zovirax will be prescribed. It can speed up healing and can reduce the discomfort. However, you can't run away from another outbreak. Oral herpes usually happen when you're run down. This means you must have a strong immune system to ward off this disease. So, keep your immune system as healthy as possible. People have enjoyed improved immune system when they take herbs such as echinacea and goldenseal. I always avoid medications. Today, some topical solutions can help getting rid of fever blisters. Here you can learn how I cure my cold sore. Using topical solution has reduced the duration of the outbreak and prevented the future flare-ups. ... Comment |
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